
West Estonia

Audru Manor Park

Built in the 19th century, the Audru Manor complex has a park that is ideal for a peaceful walk and picnic. The park has been under protection since 1958. Today, there is also a modern stage in the park. Initially, a smaller baroque park had been built behind the mansion house, but little of it has survived. There is also a forest on the right bank of the Audru River, where there is a memorial to the victims of World War II. By expanding the river, a recreation area with islands and a pond has been created, which is crossed by four beautiful bridges.

If possible, visit the Audru Museum. A church and an arboretum are also nearby.


West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Pärna allee 14a, Audru alevik, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond